Gaining Weight After Losing A Lot of Weight

I have a confession to make – I haven’t been eating as healthily as I should. After reaching my goal weight, I gradually slipped back into old eating habits, indulging in pizza, fried foods, junk food, and all those tasty but unhealthy options. The result? I gained 30 pounds! It was a wake-up call, and I knew I needed to get back on track.

So, last weekend, I went grocery shopping with a clear mission: to buy only healthy foods. Not just for me, but for my entire family. No more separate shopping lists; we were all in this together. I also decided to cook one healthy meal for all of us, with an additional side dish for them to enjoy some carbs.

Here’s a glimpse of what our typical day of meals looks like now

Breakfast: A bowl of cereal. Cheerios or Raisin Bran for them, and Fiber One for me. I also enjoy half a grapefruit, spacing it out about an hour apart.

Snack: Fruit. We have a variety of options like oranges, watermelon, apples, and grapes for everyone to choose from.

Lunch: A salad made with lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, sesame seeds, carrot matchsticks, broccoli, and a fat-free dressing. I use vinegar and a fat-free, calorie-free dressing. After the kids finish their salad, they have the option of a peanut butter sandwich or Ramen noodles.

Snack: More fruit or fresh vegetables.

Dinner: This is where I get creative. For example, last night, I made Panko Breaded Flounder baked in the oven. I served it with Kale cooked with onions, fat-free chicken broth, and vinegar. Additionally, plain rice was served as a side for them. My family took the fish and made sandwiches with it. My daughter tried the Kale but didn’t like it, so I let her eat fresh vegetables instead. My husband and son, on the other hand, enjoyed the Kale.

Snack: Another round of salad or fruit. I encourage them to have salad if they had fruit as snacks earlier in the day.

That’s our daily meal plan now. Today, I’ll be preparing a sweet potato seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg for my lunch. It’s quite substantial, so I’ll divide it into portions. For my family, I’m planning beef tips cooked with onions and peppers, with diced tomatoes added at the end. I’ll serve this over pasta for them and over cabbage for me.

I’ve already lost 5 pounds this week, and I’m determined to shed another 20 to 25 pounds. But more importantly, once I reach my goal weight, I’m committed to maintaining it. I don’t want to fall into the trap of yo-yo dieting. Making healthy eating a lifestyle for all of us, rather than just a weight loss program for me, is my ultimate goal. Exercise is also back on my agenda – I’ve started walking and will add aerobic exercises and weight lifting next week. Wish me luck on this journey towards a healthier life!